4ocean Great White Shark Beaded Bracelet

$ 24.00
$ 24.00
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Great white sharks are one of the most misunderstood fish in the ocean, which exposes them to unique threats from illegal poaching and finning to the ingestion of and entanglement in ocean plastic. When you purchase the Great White Shark Beaded Bracelet, you pull a pound of trash from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines while raising awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on one of the most misunderstood fish in the ocean. Every bracelet purchased funds the removal of one pound of trash from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines Cord manufactured in China from 100% certified post-consumer recycled plastic bottles, including less than 5% reclaimed ocean plastic Clear beads are manufactured in China from 95% certified post-consumer recycled glass bottles, including less than 5% reclaimed ocean glass 4ocean charm manufactured in China from 95% recycled stainless steel Hand assembled by artisans in Bali Unisex, waterproof, adjustable design Includes "1LB" vinyl decal